Here are some samples of my music.

Be Who You Wan’t

A polyrhythmic electroacoustic piece for 2 marimbas and synthesizer.


Magic Sequence from ‘Ironbound’

Underscoring for one of the final moments of the play Ironbound by Martyna Majok. In this piece, the lead character has one last vivid memory of her home country and her first love, before finally putting it behind her and moving on with her new life. Cello, Harmonica, and Percussion.



A funky off-beat piece meant to explore the experience of shifting between feeling anxious and confisent.


Street Corner Scenes, Mvt. III, Rush Hour

The final movement in a piano piece written from the perspective of one street corner, at various times of day.


The Magic If

Chamber piece for Violin, Clarinet, Cello, & Piano. Peformed by the Soli Chamber Ensemble.


The Dinosaur, Part III

An electronic work to accompany a movement actor in a cartoonish dinosaur cosutme.



Soundtrack for an original performance art piece examining anxiety, vulnerability, sensitivity, and grief.


Help Me!

An electronic hyper pop piece meant to satirize the genre. (Be careful its loud!)